Florence | Expert Panel: A Deep Dive Into the Florentine Soul
Today we’re diving deep into one of the most iconic cities in Italy. As a favorite of art lovers, history buffs, and appreciators of beauty the world over, Florence almost needs no introduction. But behind the fact that the renaissance started here, behind all the contributions of the Medici and Leonardo and Michelangelo - there is the beating soul of Firenze.
My guests today are Michela Babini, President of The Place of Wonders; Claudio Meli, General Manager of my home in Florence, The Place, and Marco Cini, the owner of Arca Cashmere. While we dive deep and laugh a LOT, what you’ll find that these three guests have in common is a deep love for craft, tradition, and of course, the city of Florence.
We dive into why the city is what it is today, why craftsmanship is so important to preserve in Italy, and how this crew can make your next trip to Florence truly magical.
Learn more at www.luxtravelinsider.com
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